Glimpse into the inner workings of my mind
I just met him. I was walking down the street back home when he jumped out of a tree and escorted me home. We spoke pretty well. Apparently he is a vegan. I gave some orange juice. Apparently he's never had orange juice, Isn't that weird? He said he is really into beans and spinach or something like that. I didn't wanna judge him. He cud be sensitive, he is green after all. Plus I just met him! I dun wan him around when i sleep, dunno what he might be like. He cud be just a stalker, he did jump out of a tree now that i think about it.
Damn, these spiders keep coming in my room to have tea parties or something. Thats what they told me, very irritating, specially when i am trying to work.
Whenever I drink orange juice I see these floating chicken currys in it. I find it weird. So I avoid it. The Green giant thot they were tasty.
I wanna kick these spiders out, but they have 2 bouncers. They look like something out of a harry potter movie.
I like ketchup. Yesterday I was hungry so I drank the ketchup bottle. It was awesome. The sausages and the burger thought it was cool. I think the burger felt out of place cos it was the only burger in here. But the potatoe gurls did this cool dance, they caled it peel n strip...very sexy. I wanted to mash them up. They were that hot.
I want to get a horse like Robin. He has a nice horse. He brought it to school yesterday. It was sitting with us in class next to me. Robin likes to wear this green suit and funny shoes. He carrys a bag of arrows, I dunno why really, he says its his safety thing or something. Anyway he was in class and suddenly he jumped up and started doing this dance. It was awesome. Dancing is fun don't u think? But those potatoes sure did dance really well. Too bad, the green giant guy missed all the fun. Even MJ showed up for a few mins. He brought his date. He looked pretty good. Name was Tony I think, in 4th grade or something. It was awesome, but it turned horrible when elmo tried to do MJ's dance. He was all over the place. Had to call big bird to pick him up. I think he was smashed. He was cute until he started hitting on the potatoe sisters. For a little guy he sure can drink alot.
Aren't planes awesome? I saw one yesterday, it was so cool, but it hit a lampost or something i dunno. It was fun until it hit the lampost. Then ppl started crying, it was a drag. I haven't spoken to u in a long time. Ppl who don't speak for a long time lose friends, thats what that guy told me last nite, whats his name, lemme remember. He said it was Rumplestiltskin I think, never cud say it. It was funny.
Don't u think apples are boring? They just sit there all red. Ppl think they are so good but they just do nothing.
But still, do u like berry picking? Dunno, I think its a drag. I mean all i see is loads of plants picking ppl. Its so boring.
U r fun, not like that green guy. He just drank orange juice, what a boring guy. I bet his donkay would be fun to see eh. I still dunno why he called me princess fiona. I am so confused, I thot I was more of a prince henry or something think.
Shud I get a hand transplant? I hear its the new thing. I cud get one arm like Arnold swartzer, however u say it, and the other like sylvester stallone. I would be so cool.
Don't u hate those bible clubs who come to ur door and preach? This lady bug once came and kept bothering me. I just told her to bugger off but she kept coming back. What a pest.
I wonder if i would do good as a person to do pest control, what do u think? I mean I work hard everyday and then I scrub the floors and clean the place. And then they give me this small bowl of soup for meals. And when I went up one time to ask for some more soup they laughed and then they kicked me out of the house to stay in the cold. I was like cleaning one time and I heard about this ball and I thot it wud be cool to go so I got this pumpkin and made a little pant from it. It was cool I think. These 2 rats helped me. There was this nice looking gurl there I wanted to ask but then it became midnight and I had to go home before the others knew I had gone out. I think that pretty gurl is looking for me but I lost one shoe at the party and the other one I left in the cab. No of course not, I haven't seen that guy in months. I dunno, I got a post card from him like some time back but it didn't have a return address. If u want I can look for him. He must be knowing where i am to send me a post card or something wouldn't u think? Watching him would be wierd wouldn't it?. It wud be like me stalking him or something. He's not even good looking, funny though.
I am thinking of buy some new shoes. Maybe I will buy it from that lady who lives in this cool house. Its in the shape of a shoe. It is so cool. She has many kids though. I dunno how she handles it. She has some cool sneakers though. I saw this guy one time he was sitting on a wall. He looked like an egg and I think he might have been suicidal. But then I think he slipped and fell. And for some reason he broke into pieces when he fell. Then out of the blue these soldiers and a king showed and tried to superglue him back together but they couldn't. The pieces were too many. I tried to help but this guy swing on a vine thing. He kept screaming everytime he swung on the vine. Very irritating. He picked me up and dropped me of somwhere over the rainbow or thats what he said. He only wore a loin cloth. Isn't that funny? I could never do that. It wud be too cold. He looked cool, but those potatoes had way better moves u know. Thinking of them shouldn't think like that. They are my friends. You want to bring me out? I can dressed and go out if u want but its dark and cold outside.
Man I saw this lion one day. He had this cute cub with him but he fell into a stampede of cows and died. I felt sorry for the cub but this warthog like started singing this song with him. It was fun to watch them dance. And then suddenly the cub like became this big lion and a girl lion showed up and it was so cool!
If i get into bed i can't speak to u anymre. That would be sad cos I like talking to u its fun. I think the spoon in the other room is trying to seduce me. I saw it one time and it winked and then fell so that I had to bend over to help. I get it up back near the table and it looked at me and winked again. I dunno what to do. She cute and all but I'm not attracted to her. She doesn't have the curves for me. I like something more curvy like a winding road.
Don't u like winding roads. They are so much fun, its like going on a rollercoaster except they actually speak to u and have a nice converstaion.
What do u think about nails? I like them sort of but everytime I try to sit near one or on one it feels uncomfy, like right now I have this nail near my back and it hurts sometimes but I say its a good friend so u have to bear with the pain. U can't help what it is. But its there fore u whenever u need them, holding u or ur house up. I think they are awesome don't u think? Whats the matter, do u have any qustion u want to ask me? Pls ask me. I dun want u to get conufsed or anything. Ur very cute I dun wanna confuse u.
I was sitting in a park bench yesterday evening and this two kids come up and ask me if I want to go see a house made out of candy. I was like no but then this crow started telling me how it likes shiny things and how they go from palce to place and how they don't mean to shit on ppl but they have bladder problems and they can't control it. I told them it was okay but they seem like really nice ppl. Nothing is wrong with me I think. I mean I talk normal, act normal and I have normal friends, except for the spiders. They talk so fast I can't undertand them sometimes and that damn tea party they are still having is irritating.
This one time I think day before yesterday in class I saw these 3 pigs. They just walked in all sad and then sat next to me. I asked them if they were okay and they said they lost their house cos of some wind or something. I thought it was from the hurricane but they live in Montreal. There was no hurricane there. I keep my door open in the case the orange juice wants to go to pee or something. I dunno, she seems full of citrus sometimes but I awake if any sound is there in the room and the green guy is a big guy. Pretty sure I will hear him but I'll let my pet spatula know so that he can keep any eye out for anyone. Thank u come again. Ur sweet. Gnite.
All I have to say is...where can I get some of that orange juice??? Put it on the market, and it'll kick LSD's ass to the moon and beyond!!!
Stay random....
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